Tax Refund

Track Your Refund

We are ready to provide you with up-to-date refund information online, by phone, or during a personal meeting not long after you file your federal income tax return, you may find yourself asking one very important question: Where's my refund?

How you filed your return will determine how you will receive your refund. Within six to eight weeks of filing a paper return, the IRS should issue your refund check. It's generally a week's time in cases where you chose to receive your refund through direct deposit. In case you use e-file, and chose paper check option, it will be three to four weeks for your refund to be issued.

If you are like most people, the last thing you want to do is wait several weeks or months to hear about the status of your federal tax refund. Rather than sit back and hope that your tax refund is on its way, there are a few things you can do to find out where it is.

The IRS has an electronic system in place, called "Where's My Refund - It's Quick, Easy, and Secure." This is an online tool on the IRS website that can help you figure out the status of your tax refund so you can avoid having to navigate through the phone system. The "Where's My Refund" electronic tool helps taxpayers check on the status of their tax returns and refunds. It also helps the IRS to reduce the number of phone calls they receive from confused and frustrated taxpayers looking for their tax refunds.

If you filed your income tax return electronically (also known as "e-filing"), you will be able to start checking on the status of your tax refund within 24 hours after the IRS acknowledges receipt of your e-filed return. If you file your tax return by paper mail, it will take the IRS longer to receive and process your return, which means you will probably not able to use the "Where's My Refund" system for at least 4 weeks. This is another reason why e-filing has become so popular among taxpayers.